Dundee Fringe Returns for 2024


Dundee Fringe brings theatre, comedy, music, and community events to the heart of the city.

Launched in 2021 with a nine-day festival at our pop-up venue, the city's newest arts festival will return this year.


Join us  from the 13th - 22nd of September 2024.

dundee fringe 2022


Perform at Dundee Fringe 2024


Dundee Fringe will return in 2024 for a nine-day festival at The Keiller Centre from 13th - 22nd of September 2023. More information about our spaces can be found on our Venue Information page.


Applications to perform at Dundee Fringe 2024 are currently open. All applications should be received by Friday the 9th of August 2024 using the form linked below. If you have any questions or issues please contact JD Henshaw.


About Us


In it's first year, Dundee Fringe delivered a packed programme of 20 plus shows and events. This programme has more than doubled over our subsequent volumes, and we cannot wait to welcome artists in making the 2024 Dundee Fringe even more vibrant and exciting!


Audiences experienced award-nominated theatre, comedy, and live music as well as rehearsed readings, workshops, and all the family getting involved with children’s shows.


Speaking about the Dundee Fringe, the Dundee-based founder, JD Henshaw, said, “It is simply the most exciting thing to be bringing the first Dundee Fringe to the city. Having run venues and presented work at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Brighton Fringe, and internationally it’s brilliant to get the chance to work with Dundee’s finest in my home city.” 


“It’s important for me to help create a network and opportunities for local creatives year-round. Given the challenges we face post-lockdowns and in the current economic climate, it matters more than ever that we work together to make performance affordable and accessible to as many creatives and audience members as we can.”


“I adore working with folk across Dundee to create a more sustainable fringe festival experience for everyone involved. With the city’s commitment to culture and creativity, I think Dundee is the perfect place to do this.” 



Our Programme


You'll see that we've got three ticket prices for shows at Dundee Fringe - £5, £7, and £10.


These are so you always know what stage of development an event is at. we want you to be able to get involved with our shows and be as much a part of the festival as possible.


So what do those ticket prices mean?


£5 - Rehearsed Reading

This is a piece that is at the very first stages of its live development. The script exists, there's a group of artists involved, and they want you to get that first glimpse of the show. Be part of the journey and get to see how the work develops and know that you've been a key part of that show becoming a full blown production!


£7 - Work in Progress

It's almost there! Here is a show that is fully cast, rehearsed, and almost ready for full touring. It's still got some rough edges that are being smoothed out, some moments that the team and performers aren't sure land the way they want - and they want you to be part of that. You're going to see the full show in its raw form, and the people involved would love to hear your thoughts, so hang around for a drink and a blether afterwards, meet the creators and be part of that final polish that makes a show soar!


£10 - Stage Ready

This is a show that has gone through all of its paces, been rehearsed, worked, and has met a few audiences along the way to get it to this point. The creators can't wait to share this show with you, and hope that you love it as much as they and previous audiences do. This is what the months of hard work has been for, and we are all grateful you've chosen to spend your time with this production.


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